College Credit Plus
Ohio’s new College Credit Plus can help you earn college and high school credits at the same time by taking college courses from colleges and/or universities. The purpose of this program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits and to provide a wide variety of options to college-ready students.
Can I participate?
If you are a student in grades 7-12 you can apply for College Credit Plus admission to a public or participating private college. The college will admit you based on your college-readiness in one or more subject areas. Your school counselor can help you understand your options, deadlines, and how to proceed. You may not participate in the College Credit Plus program beyond your anticipated high school graduation date.
How do college courses earn me high school credit?
College Credit Plus allows high school students to earn college credit and apply that credit toward their high school graduation requirements. Successful completion of a three or more credit-hour college course will result in 1.0 Carnegie unit earned at the high school. A two credit-hour college course will earn students 2/3 of a high school credit and one credit-hour college course will convert to 1/3 of a high school credit.
Will College Credit Plus grades appear on my high school transcript?
Yes. High school credit awarded for courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus will satisfy or exceed the graduation requirements and subject area requirements of the school district. Courses successfully completed under College Credit Plus must be listed by course title on the high school transcript. All College Credit Plus courses will be computed into the GPA using the same scale as courses taken at the high school.
How does College Credit Plus impact athletic eligibility?
If you are a student athlete, you must remain eligible in accordance with the Ohio High School Athletic Association (OHSAA) bylaws. To be athletically eligible, students must be passing five, one eligibility credit courses or the equivalent per grading period with the high school and college courses combined. Most College Credit Plus courses taken during a semester will equal one Carnegie unit, allowing students to earn more than the required five for athletic eligibility. Please check with your counselor and athletic director to ensure that the course work you are taking is compliant with the OHSAA.
What are my academic and social responsibilities?
You will be expected to follow the rules and regulations set by the college/university. You will also be expected to follow the rules and regulations set for high school students detailed in the student handbook. Once enrolled, you are eligible to receive advising from campus-based support services of that institution. Additionally, you will continue to have access to your school counselor and all other resources available to high school students. Participation in College Credit Plus does not guarantee you admission to college after high school. You should follow the regular undergraduate application process for whatever college you plan to attend after high school.
What courses are available through College Credit Plus?
Once you are admitted to a college for College Credit Plus, you may take any course in the college’s course catalogue that is not remedial, religion, physical education, and others. For more details on this, see your school counselor or college advisor.
What if I fail a class?
Classes failed or withdrawn with an ‘F’ will receive an ‘F’ on the high school and college transcripts and will be computed into the high school and college GPA. If you do not receive a passing grade, the district may seek reimbursement for the amount of state funds paid to the college on your behalf for that college course. The school district may withhold grades and credits received for high school courses taken until reimbursement had been made. Reimbursement may also be sought if the student drops the course after the college drop deadline.
Does college credit transfer after graduation?
Thanks to Ohio’s Transfer to Degree Guarantee, many entry-level courses earned at an Ohio public college are guaranteed to transfer to any other Ohio public college. Credits earned at private colleges, or those that you want to transfer to an out-of-state institution, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the institution you are seeking to attend. Go to to learn more about credit transfer among the state’s public institutions of higher education. This tool allows you to find the best pathways to degree completion and launch successful careers. Earning college credit will not affect applications for financial aid/scholarships limited to entering freshman.
Deciding to Participate
Before you decide to participate in the program, you and your parents should consider the following points:
Future Plans — If you plan well, this program can assist you in making future education and career decisions and in exploring postsecondary education opportunities.
High School Graduation — Even if you participate in this program, you still must meet your graduating class’ high school graduation requirements in order to earn a high school diploma. College Credit Plus does not replace the requirements to earn a high school diploma. This includes fulfilling the course credits and assessment requirements outlined by the Ohio Department of Education. Please reference the West Holmes Course Selection Guide, visit the Ohio Department of Education website, or talk with your school counselor for more details
Scheduling — Participating in this program on a part-time basis means that you must schedule classes at your high school and at the college. Yearly schedules and vacation times usually are different between the two. Sometimes it may be difficult or impossible to take the courses you want at both schools because of scheduling conflicts. If you choose to take a yearlong course at the high school, you are committed to that course at that time for the remainder of the year.
College-level work — You may find college-level classes to be more accelerated and academically challenging than high school courses. You need to be able to work without supervision and have self-discipline both academically and socially. Be sure you are ready for these responsibilities.
Transportation — If you attend classes at both a high school and postsecondary institution, you need to think about transportation between the two schools. You are responsible for making transportation arrangements to get to classes safely and on time.
Extracurricular Activities — If you take part in this program, you will not be in your high school full-time. You may not be able to participate in some high school activities as a result of your enrollment in postsecondary courses. In the case of athletics, you will need to be sure you are enrolled in and passing enough credits for sports eligibility. You are also responsible in staying up to date with announcements pertinent to you by contacting the high school or checking the announcements posted daily on the high school website.
Potential Risks and Consequences
These are some possible disadvantages of participating in this program:
- You may have reduced opportunities or time for participating in high school activities (athletics, music, arts, clubs, etc.)
- Your grades in your college course(s) could affect your high school grade point average and class standing which also could affect scholarship opportunities and Valedictorian/Salutatorian status.
- You will need to plan for increased time needed to travel to and from the college/university and increased time for study.
- Due to different school year schedules you may not be eligible to participate in your graduation ceremony.
- You may not be eligible for Honor/Merit Roll status due to no nine weeks grades being issued to college course work.
- There is no guarantee that you will get the courses that you want.
- You may experience some social discomfort when with older students in the college courses.
- Failing or withdrawing from a college course could result in the student and/or their family being obligated to reimburse the high school for the amount of funds paid to the college for the course.
- If you fail or withdraw from a college course it may affect the credits you need to graduate from high school.
Steps to Follow:
- Discuss your plans with your parents
- Meet with your high school counselor to discuss the program and how it might fit with your educational and personal goals.
- By April 1st, notify your school counselor by signing and returning the intent letter form at the back of this packet. This form makes you eligible and also is a statement indicating that you have received information on the program and are aware of your responsibilities
- Apply to the college of interest and complete all requirements outlined in the college’s admissions policy by the college’s College Credit Plus application deadline.
- If accepted, fulfill the college’s requirements for registering and meet with your school counselor to verify college coursework meets graduation requirements, athletic eligibility, etc.