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Board of Education

28 W Jackson Street
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-3546
Fax: (330) 674-2242 or                      (330) 674-6833

Killbuck Elementary

299 School Street
Killbuck, OH 44637
Phone: (330) 276-2891
Fax: (330) 276-1382

Lakeville Elementary

14059 State Route 226
Lakeville, OH 44638
Phone: (419) 827-2006
Fax: (419) 827-2352

Millersburg Elementary

430 E Jackson Street
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-5681
Fax: (330) 674-2506

Nashville Elementary

13495 State Route 39
Big Prairie, OH 44611
Phone: (330) 378-2111
Fax: (330) 378-2323

West Holmes Middle School

10901 State Route 39
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-4761
Fax: (330) 674-2311

West Holmes High School

10909 State Route 39
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-6085
Fax: (330) 674-0818

West Holmes Digital Academy

1291 Massillon Road
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-1252

Bus Garage

10901 State Route 39
Millersburg, OH 44654
Phone: (330) 674-1600