Elementary Compact for Success

Education works best when we are all working together: parents, school staff and students.

The purpose of the School-Parent Compact, found in Section 1118 of Public Law 103-382, is to build and foster the development of a school-parent partnership to help all children achieve the state’s high standards.

Parents, teachers and children will share responsibility for improved student achievement.

The school is responsible for providing high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective environment that enables the child to meet the state’s academic achievement standards.

Parents are responsible for supporting their child’s learning.


As An Educator, I Pledge To:

  • Implement a quality curriculum that enables the child to meet Ohio’s state Academic Content Standards.
  • Create a safe and welcoming environment within my classroom for students and parents.
  • Communicate child’s progress and notify parents of changes in behavior, attendance and achievements.
  • Treat all children fairly. Use compassion and nurture self-esteem.
  • Provide structure and clear expectations for learning
  • Strive to inspire each learner.
      a. Be enthusiastic
      b. Use a variety of methods and approaches
      c. Understand individual differences
  • Promote and provide communication between parents and teachers.
  • Participate in conferences related to improving student success (Parent/Teacher, IAT, IEP, etc.
  • Utilize parent volunteers as available and when appropriate.


As A Parent, I Pledge To:

  • Read and respond to progress reports, teacher notes, and work samples.
  • Attend Parent / Teacher conferences and PTO / school sponsored events (literacy nights, music programs, science fair, etc)
  • Monitor video, internet, video games and television time and quality. Provide alternative activities. (Go for a walk, read books, play games, etc)
  • Prepare and serve nutritious food and snacks.
  • See that my child gets a good night’s rest, is on time, and attends school regularly.
  • Help my child to understand the importance of education.
  • Provide a quiet study time and area at home.
  • Be involved in my child’s educational program:
      a. Discuss information sent home with my child
      b. See that my child completes all assignments
      c. If needed, assist my child to complete all assignments
      d. Support the school’s efforts to maintain proper discipline
      e. Communicate home situations that might affect my child’s learning or behavior
      f. Praise my child’s progress and help to set goals for improvement
  • Be supportive by encouraging my child’s participation in the before- school, after-school programs and/or summer school (if recommended).
  • Read to / with my child as much as I can. (recommended daily)
  • Volunteer in my child’s classroom / school when presented with opportunities.

As A Student, I Pledge To:

  • Follow the rules of my classroom and my school.
  • Respect property, teachers, parents, other students and myself.
  • Limit my video and television viewing.
  • Go to bed at a reasonable time to get enough rest, eat nutritious foods (fruits and vegetables), and exercise every day.
  • Attend school regularly and get to school on time.
  • Prepare for class: have paper, pencils and assignments ready.
  • Complete my homework on time.
  • Participate in class: cooperate in group activities and take part in class discussions.
  • Work hard to do my best.
  • Make good choices and work to become an increasingly responsible student / person / citizen.
  • Practice behaviours taught in character education programs, if there is one in my building (orderliness, truthfulness, responsibility, respect, etc).
  • Limit my internet usage, video and television viewing. I could exercise, read or play games with my family.
  • With my parents help, go to bed at a reasonable time to get enough rest, eat nutritious foods (fruits and vegetables) and exercise.