Student Wellness Program
The Board recognizes that good nutrition and regular physical activity affect the health and well being of students. The Board believes that schools can play an important part in aiding students in establishing their health and nutrition habits by providing nutritious meals and snacks, supporting the development of good eating habits and promoting increased physical activity both in and out of the school setting.
The Wellness Committee presents for adoption the following goals in an effort to enable students to establish good health and nutrition habits:
Nutrition Education, Physical Activity and Other School-Based Activities
Nutrition Education
- Nutrition education is integrated into other subject areas of the curriculum, when appropriate, to complement, but not replace, the standards of health education.
- Nutrition education includes opportunities for appropriate student projects related to nutrition involving, when possible, community agencies and organizations. These projects could involve our OSU Extension Agency to provide information to parents to reinforce nutritional education.
- Nutrition education extends beyond the classroom by combining the school food service staff with a student committee to submit healthy menu choices for lunches.
- Nutrition education posters such as the Food Pyramid Guide are displayed in the cafeteria.
- Using 21st Century grant funds, nutrition education extends beyond the school by engaging and involving families and the community (pending the availability of funds).
- It is recommended that building “literacy nights” are used to set up stations on wellness and nutrition education.
Physical Education
- A comprehensive physical education program is provided for students in K-12 in accordance with the standards as established by the state.
- The comprehensive physical education curriculum stresses the importance of remaining physically active for life. This includes instruction in physical education as well as opportunities to participate in competitive and noncompetitive team sports.
- Recess is used to promote physical activity. A handbook of suggestions for physical activities for recess and other activities outside of physical education is provided.
Other School-Based Activities
- 21st Century after-school programs.
- Projects involving OSU Extension Agency to provide parental information to reinforce nutritional education.
Nutrition Guidelines
- The food service program complies with federal and state regulations pertaining to the selection, preparation, consumption and disposal of food and beverages.
- Nutrition information for competitive foods available during the school day is readily available near the point of purchase. (Competitive foods meaning healthy choices.)
- The school prepares and distributes to staff, parents and after-school program personnel a list of snack items that comply with the current USDA guidelines.
- Continuing professional development is made available for all staff of the food service program.
District Guidelines
- The guidelines for reimbursable school meals meet or exceed the regulations issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
- All students who require food are able to obtain it in a non-stigmatizing manner.
Plan Of Implementation And Evaluation
- The Board designates the Superintendent/designee as the individual charged with operational responsibility for measuring and evaluating the District’s implementation and progress under this policy. The Superintendent/designee develops administrative guidelines necessary to implement this policy.
- The Superintendent/designee reports of the District’s compliance with this policy and the progress toward achieving the goals yearly to the Board.
- Review of this policy occurs every three years by an appointed committee consisting of representatives of the Board, the administration, the food service provider, parents, students and the public. The committee provides the Board with any recommended changes to this
[Adoption date: June 12, 2006]
LEGAL REFS.: Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act; Pub. L. No. 108-265
(Title I, Section 204), 118 Stat. 729
National School Lunch Act; 42 USC 1751 et seq. Child
Nutrition Act; 42 USC 1771 et seq.
7 CFR, Subtitle B, Chapter 11, Part 210 7
CFR 220
7 CFR 225
7 CFR 245
ORC 3313.814
OAC 3301-91-09
CROSS REFS.: EF, Food Services Management
EFB, Free and Reduced-Price Food Services EFF,
Food Sale Standards
IGAE, Health Education
IGAF, Physical Education