Title I Funding
The West Holmes Local School District receives Federal Title I funding from the U.S. Department of Education. These funds are used throughout the district in our four elementary buildings and the middle school to provide added services to students who are at-risk of failing to meet the Ohio state standards for reading, math, writing and/or science.
The district qualifies for school-wide status, which allows the district to provide these added educational services to all students in the elementary and middle school building as needed. School districts receiving Federal Title I funds are encouraged to increase parent involvement in the process to determine how these funds are spent.
Because our district receives Title I funds it is required to notify you of your right to request and receive timely information on the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teachers. You may request the following: licensing criteria/qualifications; whether the teacher is teaching under emergency or other provisional status; and/or the degree/major of the teacher and his/her certification. You also have the right to know if your child is receiving educational services by paraprofessionals and if so, his/her qualifications. If your child is assigned, or taught by a teacher who is not highly qualified for four or more consecutive weeks, you will receive timely notice.
The West Holmes Local School District is committed to providing only highly qualified teachers and paraprofessionals throughout the district. West Holmes has been at the forefront of these issues in the State of Ohio, with our Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC), hiring appropriately licensed teachers and training and testing our paraprofessional educational aides.
If you have any questions about the above information, or about one of your child’s individual teachers, please contact your building principal.
Brian Baughman
Director of Curriculum Federal Programs